Why is web-based learning important?

It encourages independent learning and allows you to skip over subjects you've already mastered. Web-based learning is self-directed and facilitates individualized learning. It promotes self-awareness and self-confidence while encouraging pupils to take charge of their own learning.

Web-based learning is a method of learning that incorporates web-based technology or applications into the learning process. Web-based learning refers to learning materials given via a web browser, including content packed on CD-ROM or other media. Web-based education refers to all aspects and processes of education that make use of the World Wide Web as a communication medium and supporting technology. Web-based learning includes online education, virtual education, internet-based education, education through computer-mediated communication, tele learning, distance learning, cooperation, and so on.

Web-based learning can be formal or casual. Teachers plan formal web-based learning activities. Informal learning occurs when you look for information on the Internet. It is self-paced, depending on your learning objectives and motivation. While e-learning refers to learning activities utilizing computers and interactive networks, web-based learning is connected with learning materials given through a web browser.

Features of web based learning:

  • Flexibility and time
  • Learning andunderstanding
  • Cross-platform and varied software
  • Cost
  • Accessibility and equal opportunity for all
A web-based platform for the digital parts of a course of study, typically within educational institutions, is referred to as virtual learning.

Professor Murray Turoff defines a virtual classroom as a "web-based environment that allows you to participate in live training events without the need to travel." You listen to lectures, participate in lab activities, ask questions, and receive feedback just as you would in a traditional classroom, except you do it from the comfort of your desktop or anyplace you have an internet and phone connection. It saves the inconvenience, price, and travel time to a training site."


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